Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research

This project will assess the effects of social capital on the cognitive and social development of children in elementary schools with high proportions of low-income Latino families. Social capital is defined as relations of trust and shared expectations among families and between families and schools.

In a cluster-randomized trial of 52 schools in San Antonio and Phoenix, half of the schools have been randomly assigned to participate in an intervention known as Families and Schools Together (FAST). FAST is an intensive 8-week after-school program designed to build social capital among parents, teachers, and young children. The other 26 schools serve as controls.

While the children are in first grade, we will assess the relations among parents, between parents and children, and between parents and educators. We will also evaluate social skills and problem behavior as rated by parents and teachers, and academic competence as rated by teachers.

Two years later, when the children are in third grade, we plan to reassess these outcomes, as well as absenteeism, grade retention, and reading and math test scores.


Completed on April 30, 2014